Improv Workshop on hiatus!


Next Drinkytown Longform Improv workshops:

On hiatus!

One more performance in December 22nd at Ash Wednesday at Parkside. Greg Peterson is the guest musician for a Beauty Love Truth!

Parkside Lounge 317 East Houston (E of Ave B) F/V to 2nd Ave

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Most Saturdays, but always check here for changing details. Cost is $10, drop-in. Ladies always $5 for first workshop. Please contact me before your initial workshop. And check back here for more details and reading materials (below).

* People in a rehearsal or performance group who are anxious to mix it up with others in a supportive, fun, but challenging environment;
* People who have taken longform classes anywhere but want to hook up with others for rehearsal or performance groups in an organic way;
* People who want to discover new forms either to use in performances or to broaden their vocabulary to stretch out in other more rigid structures.
* All types of performers, musicians, standups, and non-performers also welcome. Talk to me first!

A group from the workshop performs as an extension of the workshop experience, trying out the new forms. For now, any workshop attendee is welcome to play; we'll see if we have to tighten parameters down the line. Be there at 6:30 to check in with the others on performance nights.

Hopefully groups will start to form organically and these may also request a guest performance slot at Drinkytown (and wherever else they choose to perform).

I will also occasionally bring in guest directors for the workshops.

Emphasis in the workshop will be on ensemble and exploration of forms. After the workshop, the bar will be open for hanging out and playing pool.

Consider it a social/artistic/community-building experiment. No strings attached except the ones you attach yourself.

Here is some reading material:

Harold Description for background and terms
Some improv history and incitements
for fun
Workshop performance notes and other messages
Red All Over

Shannon Manning will be directing mostly. Here's her bio:

My main focus in coaching and directing tends towards discovering the art of improv through the magic of ensemble. I try to nurture confidence in your individual abilities and your unique voice, so you will each have the security and support that allows you to play for the good of the whole.

I’m also a big fan of finding meaning and beauty in improv, of improv that uses all the tools of theater, and of finding the humor in the real, truthful moments, so those are things I try to promote.

Shannon Manning studied in Chicago at the School of the Art Institute, the University of Chicago (BA history), the University of Illinois at Chicago (MA theatre), Second City, and the Improvolympic with Del Close. Also in Chicago she wrote, performed, and directed a play called Dead Dads (which later played at SoloArts and the UCB Theater) and wrote and produced an award-winning Chicago Bulls scoreboard animation.

Since moving to New York in 1997, she has continued to study (Poehler, Walsh, Besser) and perform at the UCBT (Mexican Popsicle, Frank Johnson, Swing Baby, Hoos Holden, Robot TV), on Late Night with Conan O'Brien, and has coached longform improv (Dr. Awesome for quite awhile, and others) and taught for the Toyota Comedy Festival's Laugh Well program. Recently she launched the music and improv series Beauty Love Truth and the topical/political improv show Red All Over.

She writes and directs films (one selected for the 2002 Chicago Improv Fest), was a co-founder with Armando Diaz of the video collective Leche Magica, and is publisher and editor of Pipe Up! magazine.

You can find info on all this stuff at

Parkside Lounge 317 East Houston (E of Ave B) F/V to 2nd Ave $10

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